Boost Your Memory

This is the course short description.

Perimenopause and Menopause can impact your cognitive function and have started to decrease things that used to be at the tip of your tongue are no longer there. You’re searching for words that used to just flow you know used to be able to make recipes and have directions to all these different places. Women are more at risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s than men. So do we need to run and start to take all the supplements for our brain right away? We need to make lifestyle modifications to keep our memory health in check.

Brain Fog is one of the common symptoms in menopause. 

Program Outline:

All of our evidence based holistic programs have been designed with global holistic experts arranged in different sections with bite sized information for easy comprehension.

  • Brain Fog: Is it Real?
  • Nourish with Nutrition
  • Holistic Tips
  • Move the Body
  • Food is Medicine
  • Your Breath + Yoga

Evidence based programs will help you take step by step to help lift the brain fog and boost your memory. There is a lot of research that validates the efficacy of lifestyle, diet, and mind-body medicine to keep the memory in check in the peri and postmenopausal stage and beyond.

NourishDoc has collaborated with global experts to design research-Based care programs.

How’s NourishDoc different? 

We combine personalized expert consultation + wellness products + community care and love fused with research-based natural therapies programs delivered by global experts.

We deliver a Holistic program from a Holistic platform.

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